Why taking advantage of Quarantine important?
Why should you be taking advantage of this moment?
About two weeks ago, I was watching a preacher doing a sermon and from his real words, he said, "In each crisis, there is always a winner and there's always a loser."
Now, let that sink in. Why? Well, this quote is exactly what is going on now. The first reason is now, online businesses are winning and businesses outside of online stores are suffering. Why is that? well, what are you doing right now? you're in quarantine, and if I'm not mistaken you've probably browsed online and probably even bought some things.
But if you haven't, just know there are millions of shoppers shopping online especially on Amazon. But while we're talking about Amazon, did you know Amazon reached 1 trillion dollars this past few months.
Let that sink in. Actually, don't let that sink it. Why do I say that? well, we're all in quarantine and we're the one shopping on Amazon, which is not actually a bad thing. But, it's to show that while we're bored and going online spending, guess what? Amazon is the one benefitting from all of it.
Now, that's not to say everything is going well for Amazon because we all know they have to cut hours, and the shipping is a bit slow. But, what would you prefer? having an online business being slow on shipping and being sure that the item will definitely be delivered to the customers or not having a business at all?
Let's be honest we all would choose the first option. Anyone who would choose the second option would need some prayers. And, if you're one of them reading this, then stop reading this and go shopping.
If you've read the top part then, you should understand by now the difference between a consumer and a producer/creator. It's almost like social media apps but since this is more related to our topic, let's take Tik Toks for instance. We have two types of people, a creator, and a consumer. The creator is the people creating the tik toks dances, challenges, they're basically the ones posting videos three to four times a day.
Now, can you already tell who the consumers are and what they do? I'll wait.....
Anyways, if you don't, then they're basically the ones that create an account just to watch the creator's videos. Don't get me wrong, it's not totally a bad thing because unlike the creators, you can actually learn a lot from the people creating. As for the creators, they're creating and fully committed to that.
But, while I do say the consumers are consuming content, they are really, really consuming. and most times, guess who's benefiting from it? The creators, how? The more content they put out, the more you watch their content, the more views they get and wait for it.......The more they're either making from commissions or whichever product or services they're promoting.
What is the point of all these details I have provided so far? well, it's good to learn, right?
So here goes your free course on understanding the difference between consumers and creators and a preview of how online marketing works.
Well, that's the topic now. Take a sip of some coffee because you're going to need it.
About a week or so, as a social media marketer and as a long-life learner, at around 3 am in the morning 2 hours over the time I am writing this. I started thinking about my passion which is to help small businesses realize the power of social media and the advantage of using it, especially for ads.
Here we go with a flashback, well not really. but, do you remember while reading the first few paragraphs where I talked about tik tok, well I probably didn't mention how popular it was getting? Well, we both know how popular Facebook is or let's just say, has been.
Well did you also know, there are millions of people consuming Facebook each day and being blasted by so many ads every second. If you know this is true and you experience this well, I am sorry for mentioning that. But, did you click on that ad about "the quickest way to make money" or you know those ads that ask you to put in your email address?
I know you have and we all have so don't feel bad about it but, feel bad about your spam or emails in general. Those people really know how to do email marketing right?
Anyways, back to the thoughts that I had. I was thinking about small businesses that I work with such as a dentist or real estate and chiropractor which I'd love to work with. And I see a few of them in my town and city just to see if they're running ads. Surprisingly, none of these businesses is using either pixel or even doing ads. I was surprised but not at a high level because especial for a dentist, they're really busy and don't have much time to be handling marketing works.
Same for a chiropractor or real estate. But if they knew? Alright, don't spoil!!
But, if they really knew how then, I think they'd know how beneficial it would be do run ads on Facebook while having a specific target on locations and interest and even re-targeting. And while I say this, the only thing I wish those small businesses would do in this current moment is taking advantage of growing their social media and have a better presence.
The better you are on social media, the more you learn, the more trust you build, the better results you get and what happens with those results, you turn them into leads which in other word is "clients."
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connect with me on LinkedIn at : Sadrack Marseille
Loved it, keep it up!